Pack Size


100 Gms
500 Gms

Prices are indicative and are subject to change


meets compendial specs of USP

Appearance (Colour)

White to pale yellow

Appearance (Form)

Crystalline powder

Assay (T)

min. 99%

Insoluble matter

max. 0.005%

Carbonate (CO3)

Passes test

Solubility in ammonium hydroxide

Passes test

Chloride (CI)

max. 0.002%

Sulphate (SO4)

max. 0.005%

Phosphate (PO4)

max. 0.005%


25 to 40°C (Room Temperature)

Shelf Life

60 Months

IMDG Identification

UN No.:2859 , IMCO Class No.:6.1 , Packing Group:II

HSN Code :

100 Gms

28419000 (GST 18%)

500 Gms

28419000 (GST 18%)

Type of Packing :

100 Gms

Plastic Bottle

500 Gms

Plastic Bottle

Safety Datasheet

Product Datasheet

Sample COA

Certificate Of Analysis