Pack Size


100 Gms
500 Gms

Prices are indicative and are subject to change

Appearance (Colour)


Appearance (Form)

Free flowing, homogeneous powder

Solubility (Colour) 2% aq. solution

Medium amber, clear

pH (25°C)

6.10 - 7.10

Stability (After autoclaving)

Medium amber, clear

Loss on drying

< 5.0%

Total Aerobic microbial count

(By Plate Count Method) : <=10,000 cfu/gm

Nitrogen (N)

>= 6.0%

Indole Production (0.1%)

Passes Test

Cultural Response

Inoculate and incubate at 37°C for 18-48 hours


Lactobacillus leichmannii ATCC 7830

Inoculum (cfu) 10-100

Growth : Good


Lactobacillus plantarum ATCC 8014

Inoculum (cfu) 10-100

Growth : Good


Lactobacillus rhamnosus ATCC 7469

Inoculum (cfu) 10-100

Growth : Good


Proteus vulgaris ATCC 13315

Inoculum (cfu) 10-100

Growth : Good

Applications :

Peptonized milk is an enzymatic digest of fat free milk solids.It contains peptones, polypeptides and amino acids derived from milk protein as well as other nutritive components of skim milk. Used for isolation and cultivation of Lactobacilli and Streptococci, especially in dairy products.


8 to 25°C (Cool & Dry Area)

Shelf Life

36 Months

IMDG Identification

Not Regulated for Transport (Non-Haz)

HSN Code :

100 Gms

38210000 (GST 18%)

500 Gms

38210000 (GST 18%)

Safety Datasheet

Product Datasheet

Certificate Of Analysis