Pack Size


500 Gms

Prices are indicative and are subject to change

Appearance (Colour)

Greyish black

Appearance (Form)

Fine powder

Solubility (Turbidity) 5% solution in 5N HNO3


Assay (EDTA Titration)

min. 99.5%

Iron (Fe)

max. 0.001%

Copper (Cu)

max. 0.002%

Arsenic (As)

max. 0.0001%

Silver (Ag)

max. 0.002%

Tin (Sn)

max. 0.001%

Antimony (Sb)

max. 0.005%

Nickel (Ni)

max. 0.0005%


25 to 40°C (Room Temperature)

Shelf Life

60 Months

IMDG Identification

UN No.:3077 , IMCO Class No.:9 , Packing Group:III

HSN Code :

500 Gms

78042000 (GST 18%)

Type of Packing :

500 Gms

Glass Bottle

Safety Datasheet

Product Datasheet

Sample COA

Certificate Of Analysis