Pack Size


10 expt. Kit
25 expt. Kit

Prices are indicative and are subject to change

Amplification capability

Amplification with good yield is seen with the template and primers in the kit

PCR amplification

Protocol given with kit shows good amplification with amplicons of the sizes ranging from either 600 to 900bp.

Description :

Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is an important tool in Biotechnology. PCR rapidly amplifies a specific region of a single DNA molecule in vitro to yield sufficient quantities that can be cloned, sequenced, analyzed by restriction mapping etc. In this kit the gene for E.coli pyrophosphatase is amplified from its template DNA using specific primers in 30 cycles of operation.

Includes :

Components10 Experiments25 Experiments
Control (with 36 mcl of PCR master mix)12 vials28 vials
Test (with 1 mcl template)12 vials28 vials
Taq Polymerase (5U/mcl)10 mcl20 mcl
Enzyme Diluent Buffer50 mcl150 mcl
6 X Gel loading Dye120 mcl250 mcl
Agarose0.75 g2.5 g
Ethidium Bromide50 mcl100 mcl
50 X TAE buffer25 ml50 ml
Sterile Water100 mcl250 mcl
DNA marker60 mcl100 mcl


-20 °C (Blue/Dry Ice)

Shelf Life

12 Months

IMDG Identification

Not Regulated for Transport (Non-Haz)

HSN Code :

10 expt. Kit

38229090 (GST 12%)

25 expt. Kit

38229090 (GST 12%)

Product Datasheet

Sample COA

Certificate Of Analysis