Pack Size


15 expt. Kit

Prices are indicative and are subject to change

Agarose gel electrophoresis

Extracted DNAs molecular size is compared with High range DNA marker

DNase activity

None detected




Stable for one year

Description :

The overall goal is to isolate chromosomal DNA from bacterial cells. The cells are first re-suspended in a suitable buffer (that minimizes nuclease activity) and ruptured to release the cellular contents. The contaminating RNA is removed by digestion with RNase A. Finally, nucleic acid is precipitated in water-alcohol mixture in presence of high concentration of inorganic salt

Includes :

Bacterial cell pellet - 18 vials
SE buffer with RNaseA - 5 ml
20% SDS - 200 mcl
2.5 M KCl - 200 mcl
Buffer saturated phenol - 4 ml
Chloroform - 5 ml
DNA precipitation solution - 14 ml
Wash solution - 15 ml
TE buffer - 500 mcl
Agarose - 0.5 g
Ethidium bromide - 30 mcl
6X gel loading dye - 100 mcl
Control DNA (200 ng /10 ml) - 60 mcl
50X TAE Buffer - 25 ml


Includes components ranging from RT to -20°C

Shelf Life

6 Months

IMDG Identification

Not Regulated for Transport (Non-Haz)

HSN Code :

15 expt. Kit

38229090 (GST 12%)

Product Datasheet

Sample COA

Certificate Of Analysis