Pack Size


2 x0.25 ml
1 ml

Prices are indicative and are subject to change

Appearance (Form)


Appearance (Colour)


Appearance (Clarity)



Nucleic acid precipitation seen on addition to the reaction

Absence of nucleases

No degradation of the nucleic acid sample after incubation at 37°C for 24 hours

Description :

Molecular biology grade glycogen is an inert carrier used to increase nucleic acid recovery from alcohol precipitation. It is a preferred co-precipitant for solutions containing oligonucleotides or low concentrations of DNA or RNA, as it does not add exogenous nucleic acids like other co-precipitants, such as yeast RNA or tRNA. Glycogen, a highly purified branched chain carbohydrate ,is insoluble in ethanol and isopropanol and forms a precipitate that traps nucleic acids.Upon centrifugation,the insoluble glycogen/nucleic acid precipitate forms a visible pellet that simplifies downstream sample processing. Glycogen Solution,20mg/mL is free of host DNA and is functionally tested for DNA precipitation. It will not affect the OD260/280 ratio or determination of nucleic acid concentration.


-20 °C (Blue/Dry Ice)

Shelf Life

24 Months

IMDG Identification

Not Regulated for Transport (Non-Haz)

HSN Code :

1 ml

38229090 (GST 12%)

2 x0.25 ml

38229090 (GST 12%)

Product Datasheet

Certificate Of Analysis