Sisco Research Laboratories
Pvt. Ltd.
Product Datasheet
and Specification

1,10-Phenanthroline Hydrochloride Monohydrate extrapure AR, 99.5%

Part B

CAS : 18851-33-7

Molecular Formula : C12H9ClN2.H2O

Molecular Weight : 234.69

Appearance (Colour)
White to off-white to pale pink to light purple
Appearance (Form)
Crystalline powder
Solubility (Turbidity) 1% aq. solution
Assay (NT)
min. 99.5%
Sulphated Ash
max. 0.05%
Sensitivity as reagent  for Iron
Passes test
Sensitivity as redox indicator
Passes test
General Information


25 to 40°C (Room Temperature)

Shelf Life

60 Months

IMDG Identification

UN No.:2811 , IMCO Class No.:6.1 , Packing Group:III

HSN Code :

25 Gms

29339990 (GST 18%)

5 Gms

29339990 (GST 18%)

Available Packages
Pack Size
5 Gms
Pack Size
25 Gms